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ENG- Blue - Left Align- Nadia Audigie Photographer - Portrait Photographer Strasbourg Alsace

1. What Kind of Photography Do You Do?

My speciality are Solo portraits but I also do Couple and Family portraits. If you have an interesting project in mind don’t hesitate to drop me a message, my passion for photography knows no bounds.

2. Do You Take Photos Outside Of Strasbourg?

I am based in Strasbourg and can help with finding the best spots for a session in the city. If you’re interested in a photoshoot in Colmar I can also make that happen, however there will be a travel fee.

3. How Do I Book A Session?

The easiest way is to fill out this form or send me an email to nadia.audigie.photography@gmail.com 

A booking is only officially confirmed after the non-refundable retainer is paid and a contract is signed.

4. Why Haven't I Heard Back From You?

I get back to you within 24 hours. If it hasn’t happened it’s because one of three things 1. Your email didn’t make it’s way to me 2. My answer is in your spam folder 3. I have been abducted by aliens. So check your spam or send me another email, the aliens you can do nothing about (or can you?) 

5. How Does Payment Work?

Once you’ve decided that I’m the photographer for you and filled out this form, I will send you the contract and an invoice for your non-refundable retainer to secure the date. The retainer is 50% of the total cost. The rest is due on the day of the session at the latest. You can do a bank transfer or pay cash or through PayPal.

6. Can I get A Consultation?

Yes! Once you’ve booked with me I am here to help with whatever: the best place/time/hair/makeup/clothes. I can pick the place for the clothes you want to wear or give advice on what clothes to wear for the place. It’s best to do it over email (so you have all the information at hand whenever you want it) but we can meet for coffee.

7. What Do I wear?

Not to brag but I did get busy during the pandemic and got a stylist certificate to help clients look their best. If you already know what to wear then I’ll advise the best place for the outfit. Or if you’re not sure I can give you a general direction of style and colours that will work with the place or help pick out from what you already have. 

8. I'm Very Self Conscious, Is That A Problem?

Not at all. Things to remember – we are our own worst critics and non-photogenic people don’t exist. However, if you’re self conscious about something particular, please let me know as I’ll be sure to be extra aware of that while I’m taking photos. 

9. What If There's Bad Weather?

If the weather is truly not what we hope for we can always reschedule. If you’re in the region only for that one day then we either embrace the imperfect weather or I will refund your session (only applies to actual bad weather like  blizzards, downpours and thunderstorms).

10. How Long Is The Session?

A Solo and Couple’s session is 1h and a Family session is 1h30. It’s the perfect amount between having enough time to relax in front of the camera and not being completely wiped out after it. If you’re getting all made up plan so that you can go out afterwards!

11. How Many Photos Will I Get?

All Silver packages include 10 fully retouched photos, you can add more once you’ve seen the preview gallery. Or if you love all the photos you can upgrade to the Gold package and have the 10 fully retouched photos + all the other photos in colour correction.

12. Do I Get To Choose The Photos?

Yes! I believe the choice of photos is very personal because where the photographer, or your mom (or nan) sees a beautiful photo you might see an awkward one. So, in the 48 hours following the photoshoot you will receive a link to a preview gallery (if you haven’t you might want to check the spam folder) where you can mark YOUR favourite photos. Once you’re happy with the selection just send me a message to confirm and I will start working on them right away! 

13.What Is Your Retouching Style?

For fully retouched photos I do “digital clean-up and polish”: remove any distracting elements in the background, stray hairs, etc. I don’t alter the way you look other than skin blemishes or anything temporary that would not normally be there (bruise, scrape, acne etc. unless you’d like me to keep it in the photos).

Colour corrected photos  are matched to have a pleasant colour palette without “digital clean-up”. 

If you have any particular request please send it to me with your photo selection confirmation as I cannot add retouches after the photos are done, it would require to start the editing from scratch and will cost extra.

You can see my editing style in my portfolio or on my instagram page.

14. What's Your Turn Around Time For Photos?

It takes 1 week to do full retouch for 10 photos, so if you order an extra 10 photos it will take 2 weeks. For the Gold package with 10 fully retouched photos and all the other photos colour corrected it takes 1 – 1.5 weeks since colour correction takes considerably less time than digital clean-up.

If you need 1-2 photos ASAP to print/send to someone then just message me which ones and I’ll get them done first and send them before the rest.

15. How Will I Get My Photos?

All edited photos will be delivered via an online gallery within 1-2 weeks. The images will be available to download in 2 sizes (for social media use and high-quality printing) and you will be able to easily share them with friends and family. The photos will be available for 90 days so make sure to download them somewhere safe!

16. The Photos Will Be Mine To Use Freely, Right?

You can freely post and print the photos (a print-release will be provided for print-labs that require them). However, commercial use of the photos, modifying the images or reselling them, as well as entering the photos in contests is illegal. If you’re looking to take photos for your business then a different kind of contract is required.

17. What If I Have to Cancel?

Whatever the situation we can reschedule the photoshoot one time. If you decide to completely cancel the photoshoot less that 2 weeks before the date (1 week in March/April and November/December) then you forfeit the retainer fee. If, heaven forbids, something happens and I can’t make it to the photoshoot and there is no possibility to reschedule, you will of course get a full refund.

18. Do You Offer Discounts/ Give RAW Photos?

A discount would not be fair to clients who pay full price for the photos. If you’re okay with me using the photos on my socials I can give you extra retouched photos as a thank you.

I do not provide RAW/unedited photos to clients.

19. COVID-19?

As of December 15 photography businesses are allowed to function as usual within the curfew and sanitary restrictions. Masks should be warn by clients at all times except for when the photos actually being taken. Necessary equipment will be used to ensure the photoshoot goes as smooth and safely as possible.

20. I Need More Information

For a detailed break down of everything connected to the session you can check out the Terms & Conditions. If you cannot find the answer to your question there then feel free to email me at nadia.audigie.photography@gmail.com.

19. COVID-19?

As of the Nov 28 photoshoots can be resumed as a part of the 3h outdoor walks within 20 km of your residence. Wearing a mask is still obligatory with the exception of people engaging in sports and artistique activities. Every possible precaution will be taken to ensure everyone’s safety during the photoshoot.

20. I Need More Information

For a detailed break down of everything connected to the session you can check out the Terms & Conditions. If you cannot find the answer to your question there then feel free to email me at nadia.audigie.photography@gmail.com.

19. COVID-19?

As of Friday, November 30 all non-essential businesses that work with the public are closed due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent reconfinement. Theses measures will be in place until at least December 14.  Photoshoots will recommence when possible.

20. I Need More Information

For a detailed break down of everything connected to the session you can check out the Terms & Conditions. If you cannot find the answer to your question there then feel free to email me at nadia.audigie.photography@gmail.com.

19. COVID-19?

Photography sessions are open to the general public. Precautions are taken too ensure safety during the photoshoot.

20. I Need More Information

For a detailed break down of everything connected to the session you can check out the Terms & Conditions. If you cannot find the answer to your question there then feel free to email me at nadia.audigie.photography@gmail.com.